Theology and the Church Response to Residential Schools

This course looks at the particular history of residential schools in Canada as lens through which to constructively examine Christian belief and practice.

Description: This course looks at the particular history of residential schools in Canada as lens through which to constructively examine Christian belief and practice. We will use church responses to Canadian residential schools (before, during, and after the residential school era) to foster a critical engagement with the way sources of knowledge (such as scripture, tradition, culture and history) inform theology. Theologians throughout history have observed that our values and beliefs translate into how we act and how we construct our societies. Theologians have also considered challenges to the church as crucial to the life of faith. Students will develop their own theological voice to contribute to the possibilities for transformation of church and world. This course utilizes off-site current events, archives, news, art, film, literature, guests, and traditional lecture format as pedagogy. This course is part of a project helps integrate science into their core curricula into a diverse group of seminaries. This course will include recent insights from neuroscience on memory and epigenetics with help from the neuroscience department at University of Lethbridge. The goal of this integration is to help students faithfully engage with science in their faith communities.

Seminary: Ambrose Seminary

Key words: Church; Culture; History; Art

TH 624 Theo and Church Response to Residential Schools (Conroy)

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