Scientific Literacy

What scientific ideas should future clergy be familiar with? How can we engage in science thoughtfully and accurately? And how do we, as scientific laypeople, try to ensure that we share accurate information?

Description: “How did the universe start?” “ What should I do if I tested positive as a carrier for Tay-Sachs?” “During COVID, we were told to ‘follow the science,’ but the science seemed to be constantly changing. How do we make sense of what they’re saying?” These questions – and many others surrounding science and technology – inform nearly every class we teach, every challenging policy decision we face, and indeed, every action we take. What scientific ideas should future clergy be familiar with? How can we engage in science thoughtfully and accurately? And how do we, as scientific laypeople, try to ensure that we share accurate information?

Seminary: Academy For Jewish Religion

Science areas: Scientific as a process, astronomy, biology, evolution, AI, genetics, brain and mind

PRO217 Scientific Literacy (Mittelman) Spring 2022


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