Person in Community

This course explores a relational understanding of human personhood.

Description: This course explores a relational understanding of human personhood. We will reflect on the fullness of our humanity and what it means to be made in the image of God by examining scientific, theological, spiritual, and psychosocial development theories at the intersection of race, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, class, and more. Through course readings, media, and interactions in community with peers and the teaching team, students will consider how their social locations, power, and privilege shapes the way they see, respond, and relate to others who are different from them and the impact this may have on their ability to cultivate relationships as pastors, ministers, pastoral counselors, educators, and community leaders.

Seminary: Garrett-Evangelical Theological

Science areas: Psychology, psychosocial themes, disability

INT 510 Person in Community (Nolasco, Joh) Fall 2021

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