Theology and Science in the Twenty-First Century

In this course, we will offer a robust theological response to those who believe science and religion conflict, developing in its place a complementary position that shows how each of these great traditions of thought has "deep mutual relations."

Since the advent of modernity, it has become increasingly common for people to view science and religion as being in conflict with one another. According to scientism and the new atheists, this is because the former relies on rationality and evidence, whilst the latter is the result of faith and superstition. In this course, taught by Ross Hastings and David Robinson at Regent College, we will offer a robust theological response to such polarization, developing in its place a complementary—even coinherent—position that shows how each of these great traditions of thought has “deep mutual relations” (T.F. Torrance). and are the richer for the reality of the other. By considering commonalities of epistemology, ontology, aesthetics, as well as an in-depth look at particular sciences, we will demonstrate that there is much more overlap between theology and science than is commonly thought. Ultimately, we will show that there is no contradiction between Scripture as properly interpreted and science as properly observed, and that science is not something that should be feared by Christians. Rather, science can become an expression of our curiosity and wonder and a means for deepening our worship. We will also encourage those in scientific vocations to re-discover their work as a participation in God’s work in the world.

Seminary: Regent College
Keywords: philosophy of science, biotechnology, genetics, physics, evolution

Theology and Science in the Twenty-First Century



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