Reading and Leading in Context: Methods, Media, and Entrepreneurial Practices

In this course, students will explore and practice using tools and resources from congregational studies and deepen their awareness and facility with basic social scientific tools and skills for interpreting contexts and leading through change.
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This course is taught by David Hahn at Wartburg Theological Seminary. The congregation is a generative locus of theology. An essential focus of the course is helping students cultivate the capacity and develop the skills needed to generate a “thick description” of congregation and communal contexts for the sake of faithful, truthful, and effective evangelical public leadership. In order to do this, students will explore, and practice using tools and resources from congregational studies and deepen their awareness and facility with basic social scientific tools and skills for interpreting contexts and leading through change. In addition, attention will be given to deepening the capacity for cultural exegesis, thus becoming more culturally savvy pastoral leaders.

Seminary: Wartburg Theological Seminary
Keywords: scientific method, scientific process

Reading and Leading in Context

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