Prophetic Ministry

This course is designed to mine said richness, drawing on more fully orbed understandings of the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures, proper nuancing of prophetic work detailed in the New Testament, and the African American struggle for racial justice.

The Biblical model of the prophet is both frequently invoked and poorly interpret-ed. While the church continues to declare that the prophet “speaks for God,” it often limits such speech to pronouncements circumscribed by tradition. At the level of social justice, an emphasis on deconstruction and critique with a failure to offer a constructive vision for a just order further circumscribes definitions of the prophetic. Whether limited to ministries of justice, regular preaching, or charismatic utterance, the “prophet” suffers from a myopic understanding that fails to do justice to the richness of the Biblical tradition.

Seminary: Howard University School of Divinity
Keywords: Health, genetics, genomics, science and religion, prophetic ministry


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