Biblical Theology of Justice

This course will explore how Scripture addresses questions about central themes of Scripture of God’s desire for justice in the world. This course is part of the Climate Science in Theological Education grant.

Description: A central theme of Scripture is God’s desire for justice in the world, yet our world is plagued by continued injustice from ancient times to today. How does Scripture help us to understand the nature of justice and how to respond to injustice? How is the Christian hope understood in light of justice and how do we live out this hope in concrete actions today? This course will explore how Scripture addresses these questions. Examining the powerful message of the Old and New Testaments will demonstrate the continuing impact of the Bible’s picture of justice for the Church today, for our spiritual lives, and for the world.

This course is part of the Climate Change Pilot Program grant funded by American Association for the Advancement of Science. The project helps a diverse group of seminaries integrate climate change science into their core curricula. Two sessions of this course will include discussions with a science advisor about explorations of climate change science in relation to a biblical theology of justice. The goals of these sessions are to help students faithfully engage with climate change science in their faith communities.

Seminary: Ambrose Seminary

Science areas: Environmental Science

Ambrose-BT of Justice Syllabus.AAAS Inclusion.Spring Module 2022

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