Biblical Hebrew

This course will be using the inductive method, which means that instead of memorizing rules first and then applying them to biblical texts (deductive method). We will read the texts first and draw rules of grammar from our reading.

Description: This course does not assume a prior knowledge of Hebrew. It runs for 6 weeks and is the equivalent of one year (two semesters) of introductory biblical Hebrew. The pace is rapid. We will be using the inductive method, which means that instead of memorizing rules first and then applying them to biblical texts (deductive method), we will read the texts first and draw rules of grammar from our reading. Once you learn the alphabet and the vowels, we move immediately to reading and translating Gen 22 and the other texts in Van Hunter’s Workbook (see required texts below). The emphasis will be upon narrative; poetry is reserved for Intermediate Hebrew.

Seminary: Wesley Theological Seminary

Science areas: Trauma

BI213 Biblical Hebrew (Dombowski Hopkins) Summer 2021

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