Introduction to Christian Ethics

This course will analyze the development of Christians who are shaped, body and mind, by core beliefs and practices, in order to explore the uniqueness of Christian Ethics in response to contemporary issues.

This course is taught by Reggie Williams at McCormick Theological Seminary. The content that students encounter in a seminary education, and in daily life, is both formative and becomes part of future decision making processes. recognized as one braided strand rather than separate parts when we consider the questions that Christians ask, “what shall we do? How shall we live?” All of the disciplines of learning in the seminary context become tools for the discernment of the good life together in church and society, which in the theological academy is the study of Christian Ethics. In daily life we make efforts to integrate all of our learning, in faithfulness to our core convictions. In this introductory Christian Ethics course we will begin an engagement with those questions through analysis of the development of Christians who are shaped, body and mind, by core beliefs and practices, in order to explore the uniqueness of Christian Ethics in response to contemporary issues.

Seminary: McCormick Theological Seminary
Keywords: Church and society, Christian ethics, neuroscience, cosmology, ecology, end of life, sexuality, social and racial justice, human enhancement, stewardship, war




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